After the battery manufacturing process is determined, the chastity and attention of sulfuric acid electrolytes are some of the main factors affecting the capacity and life of the battery. The contamination content of the pure sulfuric acid used should meet the standard of sulfuric acid used in batteries, else it'll bring serious tone-discharge to the battery, performing in egregious inadequate capacity and difficulty in recovery or short-circuiting of the plates when the battery is discharged.
The attention of sulfuric acid electrolytes also has a great influence on the capacity and service life of the battery.
From the perspective of capacity, if the attention of sulfuric acid is low, the quantum of acid is inadequate, the resistance increases, and the capacity decreases significantly. Adding the attention of sulfuric acid, the quantum of acid increases, the internal resistance diminishments, the voltage of the battery increases, and the capacity increases, but if the attention of sulfuric acid is too high, it'll be ineffective. At this time, the density of the electrolyte increases, the resistance also increases, and the prolixity of sulfuric acid is delicate. The negative plate is also passivated and the capacity is reduced.
From the perspective of battery life, low electrolyte attention is salutary to the battery life, because the electrolyte attention is large, the battery tone-discharge is accelerated, and the electrolyte erosion of the division and positive grid is boosted, thereby significantly reducing the battery life.
Do not take it seriously because some batteries are sealed maintenance-free batteries. A battery whose performance meets the conditions can be used 2 to 3 times if it's used and maintained properly. However, the battery will be scrapped in lower than half a time, If it's inaptly used and maintained. What's fluently overlooked in the use and conservation of the battery is that the battery works under the condition of inadequate charging for a long time. The battery is over-discharged numerous times ( lower than the discharge termination voltage), over-charged, etc., which will affect the service life of the battery.
When the charging is inadequate, the active material of the positive and negative plates isn't fully converted, and there's further lead sulfate. After discharge and use, larger lead sulfate chargers are formed. Due to the poor conductivity and large volume of lead sulfate, the micropores of the plates are blocked., which hinders the prolixity of the electrolyte. In this way, lead sulfate gradationally becomes a hard and thick demitasse, which isn't easy to restore to the original PbO2 and Pb during charging. In severe cases, the reversible effect is fully lost, performing in reduced battery capacity and docked life. The failure is unrecoverable sulfation of the battery.